Teocalli Treatment Options, LLC
Teocalli Treatment Options, LLC
Girls Play Group

Initiative and Purpose
As a mother of two young daughters, I was recently invited to join a group of other conscious and concerned parents in reading "No More Mean Girls: The Secret to Raising Strong, Confident, and Compassionate Girls" by Katie Hurley. Joining forces with other mothers striving to achieve the mission of this book personally inspired me to put my clinical skills to good use and see what I could do; so I formed this Girls Play Group.
For the past two years I have been working with hundreds of children and families across Colorado via the IMatter.org program, which provides all CO youth six free sessions of counseling. Throughout this process it has become evident that our Colorado kids are brilliant and so full of potential; there is so much spark shining through...we need more outlets!
I am very excited to teach skills, share fun, and learn life lessons with your daughters over the next few months. Building confidence and compassion in our strong young girls is why I am inspired to facilitate this program!
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