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Teocalli Treatment Options, LLC
Teocalli Treatment Options, LLC
DUI/DWAI Services
DUI/DWAI Services
- Initial Consultation, 30 minutes: FREE
- Level I & II Diagnostic Intake Enrollment Assessment: $75
- Level I Education, 12hrs over 3 sessions: $300 total
- Level II Education, 24hrs over 12 weeks, 2hr group session: $25
- Level II Therapy, 2hr group session: $25
- Interlock Enhancement Counseling, 2hr group session: $25
- Interlock Enhancement Counseling, 30 minute individual session: $25

DUI & Court-Ordered Substance Use Disorder Assessments

Level I DUI Education
12 hours of DUI education over a minimum 3-day period, not more than 4 hours can be conducted in one calendar day.

Level II DUI Education
24hrs DUI education over 12wks.

Level II DUI Treatment
Track A- 42hrs/21wks
Track B- 52hrs/26wks
Track C- 68hrs/34wks
Track D- 86hrs/43wks

Interlock Enhancement Counseling (IEC)
IEC consists of 10hrs of individual and group counseling over a 5-month period. Specifically, 4 individual sessions (30 mins each about once a month) and 4 group sessions (2hrs each about once a month). Successful completion of the IEC program hrs may count toward Level II Treatment requirement.
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